Imagine a specialty coating project. It doesn’t have a meaningful estimate for materials and equipment, nor does it have a timeline with specific deadlines for each phase of the project. The roles aren’t clearly defined. The project manager is unsure of whether the job is abiding by industry, local, state, and federal standards. There are no inspections or reviews of each task.

This is what a specialty coating project would look like without quality assurance standards and without quality control plans.

Though quality assurance and quality control are considered the same, they are separate, overlapping parts of a project’s overall quality management system. In the following post, we’ll explain how quality assurance sets the standards for a specialty coating project and how quality control checks keep those standards in place. Read on to learn more.

How Quality Assurance Defines a Project

The quality assurance process is critical for defining how a project should be done, down to the standards for each task, and the equipment used. Quality assurance includes identifying the qualifications of each person on the job, what inspections and testing will need to be done, what methods will be used, and what kind of training might need to be employed. Quality assurance meetings, which review processes, are typically held once a week.

How Quality Control Keeps It In Check

During the beginning stages of a project, there is an initial quality control meeting where the project is, in effect, coordinated from start to finish. The team crafts a tentative schedule. Roles are allocated. A point person is chosen to communicate with clients, government regulators, and suppliers.

Quality control meetings are held daily and monthly as the project gets underway.

Daily meetings are short reports of which tasks are in progress and what have been completed. They are at the forefront of discussing problems before they get out of hand and introducing solutions. Daily quality control meetings also serve to disseminate information about any major decisions that were made about the project.

Monthly meetings review the completed parts of the project and the still-remaining tasks. They outline what issues arose during the earlier stages and how the team has addressed them. If there are remaining complications, solutions are discussed at the monthly quality control meeting. The team presents an updated outline of project costs, comparing the projected, actual, and potential future costs.

Does Your Industrial Company Have a Specialty Coating Project? Contact Eagle Eye Services Today.

Every one of our specialty coating projects begins with an estimate. We build a plan for how the project will be executed, with clearly defined roles for each of our industrial coating professionals and a point person for our clients to contact. We identify where we might need to bring on subcontractors if that’s required. We create a schedule for the project with deadlines for each phase of the project. If anything ever changes, from material costs to added personnel, we communicate with you immediately. To learn more about how we handle quality assurance and quality control, contact us today at 724-754-1122.

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