You may never have considered how painting affects the behavior and attitudes of employees, and how it can attract more clients to the business. Commercial painting completed by professionals will always give your business a great look, but the color can be just as important as the finish.

Color has a profound effect on our emotional and mental state. Attribution: Freepik.

The color of the paint is very influential in human behavior as people react – often subconsciously – to the color of their surroundings. Commercial painting involves providing large scale painting services for businesses like office buildings, restaurants, educational institutions, recreational facilities, health facilities, and factories, which means it can be vitally important to get the color choice right.

Various examples of caution signs. Attribution: Freepik.

Every individual will have their own favorite colors, but research has shown that people generally respond to colors in the same manner. This can be an evolutionary trait that is deeply embedded in the brain – it is easy to associate red with danger or anger, and black and yellow stripes (think bees, wasps, even tigers) constitute a warning. But there’s a lot more to it than that!

Entrepreneurs and business owners should apply specific paint colors to motivate their workers and increase the productivity of their institutions. Many choose to avoid dull paints, for they are known to make people feel dull too, less engaged with their surroundings and thereby reducing the productivity of employees. Hiring a professional commercial painting service provider to redo your interior painting can easily help your workers to become more efficient and productive.

This doesn’t mean choosing bright colors is the way forward as every business has colors that are more beneficial than others. Different colors increase productivity for specific tasks, hence there is not any specific color that can increase the productivity of employees across all sectors.

For example, white paint (or similar shades) will likely do well for a hospital as opposed to red paint that makes people feel nervous, anxious, and worried. In this instance, red will decrease performance and productivity. The opposite is true in other circumstances – red is a great color to choose for sale and clearance signs in retail companies as it is certain to get noticed. Red creates a feeling of urgency, but if it is overused that urgency will easily become anxiety.

Different colors for commercial painting are related to different moods and will affect the productivity of the business. According to psychologists, color affects the attitude and behavior of both the staff and clients.

The best colors to choose when painting offices are white, light blue, grey, brown, orange, pastel yellow, and purple. Using white paint in an office will portray cleanliness, while light blue will improve productivity in the workplace. Blue is recognized as a “trustworthy” color and is often used in business settings. It also stimulates the mind and increases focus.

ibm logo
Free image/jpeg, Resolution: 1024×724, File size: 68Kb, Old IBM Logo drawing

Some of the largest companies in the world use blue in their logo (including businesses like IBM) because of this. The brightness and intensity of an office painted in light blue helps to stimulate creativity and can have a positive effect in a law office.

Grey is a neutral color but can provide a moderate mood boost, while brown and yellow will both create a feeling of warmth and facilitates enhanced creativity.

Green is a color that suggests the natural world and relaxation, making it good for a healthcare facility. Financial institutions also find benefit in green paint as the color stimulates calmness and reassurance – and has an association with money.

A professional commercial painting service will be able to advise on the best choice of color for painting businesses of all kinds, so always make sure you make the right choice for your business.

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