Before beginning your commercial painting project, the cleanliness of a surface is an important factor to consider. Proper surface preparation is essential in ensuring that each type of painting and coating adheres properly to give you a high-quality, long-lasting paint job.

Sandblasting provides an ideal starting surface for any painting project. With the most experienced and well-informed services, the process is made easy. Highly skilled commercial painting services with blasting and painting standards will be by your side to ensure the sandblasting process is efficient and successful.

commercial sandblasting

What is Sandblasting?

Sandblasting is a quick and efficient form of surface preparation used for a wide range of projects. The process of sandblasting involves various blasting systems, which use compressed air and different types of media. The sandblasting process will remove unwanted debris and foreign matter from a surface prior to painting.

Sandblasting implements the use of sand-based abrasive media, which cleans surfaces and keeps the surface free from debris and contaminants. The most common media types include steel shot and grit, which are optimal for heavy duty cleaning jobs.

During the process, the chosen media type is shot out through the blasting systems, such as the blast cabinet, and an air compressor in order to remove any unwanted debris or imperfections from a surface.

Among the most popular blasting types is shot blasting. This process uses metal particles, rather than sand particle as used in sandblasting. It is a much more abrasive medium than sand. Shot blasting is used primarily on industrial surfaces, such as concrete or steel surfaces.

With various types of power tools used for sandblasters available, finding the proper tools for your project is key. In order to achieve the best results, contact a professional painting contractor that is well-versed in surface prep using blasting. They will be able to choose the best media and blasting method for the surface. Choosing the wrong media can result in damage to the surface such as nicks, cracks and scratches.

Sand blasting vs Abrasive Blasting

Both sand blasting and abrasive blasting are extremely effective methods for surface preparation and cleaning. Depending on the type of project you are looking to complete, one type of blasting may be more beneficial than the other.

Sandblasting is often better suited for surface preparation for both interior and exterior painting projects. With an even and carefully cleaned surface, your paint job will be more durable and less prone to cracks or other damages.

Abrasive blasting cleaning processes tend to be much harsher than sandblasting. However, for heavy duty projects, the more abrasive media used with abrasive blasting can provide a more intense surface cleaning.

Abrasive blasting is also one of the best ways to increase surface profile, a key aspect involved in the process of painting and coating. The intense cleaning power of abrasive blasting and the proper media types, assists in creating an even surface profile.

As you research the blasting types that are best suited for your goals and projects, keep in mind that an even surface profile is extremely beneficial for a range of painting and coating processes.

The Benefits of Commercial Sandblasting

Commercial sandblasting adds ease to a diverse range of projects, from cleaning to painting and coating. With the proper safety procedures in place, sandblasting provides an efficient and hazard free clean. In recent years, more environmentally friendly media types used for sandblasting have added more value to the process in sandblasting. By contacting an experience professional, you will have peace of mind knowing that your project is done right.

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